The 7 day program to prepare your mind, body, and spirit for the experience of a plant medicine or psychedelic journey.

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9 Course Lessons

Introduction, 7 Lessons for the week leading up to the journey, and 1 Lesson afterwards.

The Prepared Traveler Journal

Practical exercises, writing prompts, and a place to capture and track your experience.

Power Meditations

Mediatations for Grounding, Gratitude, Clarity, Surrender, and Manifestation.

  • 7 Days Out - Getting Centered

  • 6 Days Out - Taking Stock

  • 5 Days Out - Intention I

  • 4 Days Out - Plant Medicines & Expectations

  • 3 Days Out - Cleanse

  • 2 Days Out - Intention II

  • Journey Day - Surrender


The lessons mean nothing if you don't take action.


Unlock the full potential of your journey with our Post-Journey Integration phase. Here, the profound insights and emotions you've encountered are artfully woven into the fabric of your daily life, ensuring a transformation that not only takes root but flourishes. Tailored to fit your unique experience, whether solo or group-based, our integration methods range from journaling and meditation to yoga and therapy. This deeply personal and adaptive process guarantees the seamless assimilation of your journey's profound lessons, paving the way for enduring personal growth and transformation. Embrace this crucial step and watch as your journey's magic continues to unfold in every aspect of your life.

The perfect tools for your daily practice.


  • Grounding & Centering

  • Gratitude

  • Clarity

  • Manifestation

  • Surrender



Arnie B.

After years of feeling like I didn't get it when it came to my journeys, everything clicked into place.  The first journey I did after taking the course was the most impactful in my life... Thank you!

Colin B.

I was actually unaware of the world of plant medicine until my nephew gave me the course as a gift.  Not only did it open my eyes to a world I didn't know existed, it guided me through selecting my first journey.

Maya V.

As a first time journeyer, I was really afraid as I had no idea what to expect.  The course taught me how to handle fears and expectations in a way that allowed me to approach the ceremony with confidence, and excitement.

Special Offer


Lifetime Access

  • Introductory Lesson
  • 7 Daily Prep Lessons (Reg $399)
  • Integration Lesson (Reg $99)
  • 5 Meditations (Reg $99)
  • Prepared Traveler's Journal (Reg $49)

    A $646 value for only $299

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'The Prepared Traveler' course?

Simply sign up here for free access to the first lesson, The Introduction to The Prepared Traveler

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